Tap Shoes


Gracie's Guys and Gals Dance Studio

We Tap!


Newsletter for October 2024 


            The first month of classes have gone very well.  The teachers and I are very pleased with the progress of the kids so far!  Sometimes the teachers send home videos for the kids to practice.  Please encourage your child to practice.

            REMINDER: Tuition is due no later than October 7th by 8 PM.  Please pay on time so that you are not accessed a late fee of $20.  You can put a check made payable to Gracies, or cash, inside the tuition box in the lobby.  If paying by cash put inside an envelope with your child’s name on it.  Please do not put checks in an envelope but write the child’s name on the memo.

            The Show Troupe will be dancing at the BLESSING OF THE FLEET at St.Clements Island at 3:00 PM on Saturday October 5th.  The Blessing of the Fleet have fireworks at night time, and it is the best fireworks show in the county!

            SIX WEEK (mini session) class for ADULT BEGINNER TAP – register in the lobby.  Cost is $90 cash or check made payable to Gracies.  Tuesdays 5:15-6:00 in Studio D, October 15th – November 19th.  Any black lace up tap shoe is fine, can find on Amazon.  This class will be very basic – it is geared for beginners.  After this six-week session we can decide if we want to continue in January, after the holidays.  This is not a ‘recital’ routine but just for adults to gather and have fun!

            SIX WEEKS (mini session) in Zumba for Teens and Adults Thursdays October 17th-November 21st. 5:15-6:00 PM Register in lobby.  Cost is $60 CASH ONLY.

            FIRST PARENT OBSERVATION CLASS will be the last 15 minutes of your child’s class, starting Thursday October 24th, and continuing on Oct. 28th, 29th, and 30th.

            NO CLASSES HELD ON HALLOWEEN OCTOBER 31st. Happy Trick or Treat’ing!

            Each class will be asking for a room mom, who will sit with the class at recital and will bring the kids backstage at recital.  The room mom will get her ticket FREE to the recital.  Sometimes the teacher may need the room mom to help in other ways too!

            Planning ahead:  Studio closed the week of November 25th for Thanksgiving.

            Costume Week (when we measure and pay for costumes for the recital) is the week of December 9th.  More information will be forthcoming.

            If you have any questions/concerns, email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  Tappin' soul to sole,
  Ms. Gracie