Newsletter for November 2024 
It’s hard to believe that it’s November already! Parent observation week was a huge success and we thank everyone who came in. Many classes still need a room mom, so if you can volunteer, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Just another reminder that tuition is due by the 7th of EACH month, and you can put the payment inside under the counter in the tuition slot or outside in the green mailbox labeled "GRACIE" on the side. Please only put cash in an envelope. Put child’s name on envelope (if cash) and put child’s name in memo line (if a check)!
The next parent observation is the week of December 9th, this time, the last 30 minutes, to size your child for costumes, and to pay. We are working on selections now. Costumes range anywhere from $60 to $95. As the week approaches and selections are finalized, we can be more specific. Checks will be held until January 1st before they are deposited.
Mark your calendars: The show troupe is having a fundraiser to help kids offset expenses for their finals being held in Florida. HOLLY JOLLY SHOW and event with making your own ornament, face-painting, bake sale, plus visitation and take your own pictures with Santa and his friends – Popsicles, Max, Rudolph, Beethoven, Ellie, Jerimiah, and Fred and Ginger Bread on DECEMBER 15th! More information will be emailed to you! It’s like a ‘Disney’ show with the characters dancing! Fun-fun-fun show for the entire family! Who knows maybe grouchy Grinch will be there too! This is being held at the studio in the Rehearsal Hall! Doors open at 4:00 PM. Stay tuned for more information!
Ticket options:
- $15: Includes dinner
- $10: Show only
Both options include face-painting, making an ornament, and pictures with Santa and his friends. Tickets go on sale the week of November 18th, and cash is preferred.
The studio will be closed for the upcoming holidays:
Thanksgiving: The week of November 25th (since it is the most traveled time of the year)
Christmas: December 23rd to January 3rd (we follow the St. Mary’s County calendar)
Classes will resume on Monday, January 6th.
Weather policies: If inclement weather requires the schools in St. Mary’s County to close, then we also cancel classes. If schools have a delayed opening, we are open in the evening. If school is dismissed early due to bad weather, and/or if after school activities are cancelled due to inclement weather, then we cancel classes as well in the evening.
If you have any questions/concerns, bookkeeping: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to communicate with Ms. Gracie directly: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Tappin' soul to sole, | |
Ms. Gracie |